### This proyect
We aimed to understand cognitive and neural processes of prediction during reading. We combined eye movement, EEG and online experiments with computational modelling in order to disentangle the different sources of predictibility using natural stimuli, such as proverbs or short stories.
### Members:
#### Researchers:
* Juan E. Kamiemkoski j...@dc.uba.ar, [Applied Artificial Intelligence Laboratory][LIAA] @[Computer Science Department][DC], [School of Exact and Natural Science][FCEyN], [University of Buenos Aires][UBA], Argentina
* Diego E. Shalom d...@gmail.com, [Neuroscience Lab][LNUTDT] @Torcuato Di Tella University, Buenos Aires, Argentina
#### PhD student:
* Bruno Bianchi b...@dc.uba.ar, [Applied Artificial Intelligence Laboratory][LIAA] @[Computer Science Department][DC], [School of Exact and Natural Science][FCEyN], [University of Buenos Aires][UBA], Argentina
#### Undergraduate students:
* Lena Peroni, [Applied Artificial Intelligence Laboratory][LIAA] @[Computer Science Department][DC], [School of Exact and Natural Science][FCEyN], [University of Buenos Aires][UBA], Argentina
* Alfredo umfurer, [Applied Artificial Intelligence Laboratory][LIAA] @[Computer Science Department][DC], [School of Exact and Natural Science][FCEyN], [University of Buenos Aires][UBA], Argentina
### Dataframes and scrips:
1. Supplemental material from Bianchi B, Bengolea Monzón G, Ferrer L, Fernández Slezak D, Shalom DE, Kamienkowski JE. "Human and computer estimations of Predictability of words in written language." Scientific Reports (2020).
> Scripts and datasets to build the paper's figures are available in [GitHub].
1. PACKAGE RELEASED!! The code for the EEG analysis combinig Linear Mixed Models and Cluster-Based permutation (LMM-CBP) can be found in [GitHub].
> See Bianchi B, Shalom DE, and Kamienkowski JE, “Predicting known sentences: neural basis of proverb reading using nonparametric statistical testing and mixed-effects models” (under review) for more details.
1. Supplemental material from Bianchi B, Shalom DE, and Kamienkowski JE, “Predicting known sentences: neural basis of proverb reading using nonparametric statistical testing and mixed-effects models” (2019)
> Scripts and datasets to build the paper's figures are available in [GitHub].
> Complete this form to download the data to run the LMM-CBP (zip, 1.5Gb).
1. Supplemental material from Kamienkowski JE, Carbajal MJ, Bianchi B, Sigman M, and Shalom DE (2018) “Cumulative repetition effects across multiple readings of a word: Evidence from eye movements.” Discourse Processes, 55(3), 256-271.
> Complete [this form][Kam2016dataset] to download the dataframes and scripts.
### Publications and Supplemental Material:
1. Bianchi B, Bengolea Monzón G, Ferrer L, Fernández Slezak D, Shalom DE, Kamienkowski JE. "Human and computer estimations of Predictability of words in written language." Scientific Reports (2020).
1. Bianchi, B, Shalom DE, and Kamienkowski JE. "Predicting Known Sentences: Neural Basis of Proverb Reading Using Non-parametric Statistical Testing and Mixed-Effects Models." Frontiers in human neuroscience 13 (2019): 82.
1. Kamienkowski JE, Carbajal MJ, Bianchi B, Sigman M, and Shalom DE (2018) “Cumulative repetition effects across multiple readings of a word: Evidence from eye movements.” Discourse Processes [Supplemental Material](files/Kamienkowski2016_DiscourseProcesses_SuppMaterial.pdf).
1. Kamienkowski JE, Bengolea Monzón G, Bianchi B, and Ferrer L (2016) "Natural Language approaches to human predictability of words on written language" Proceedings of ASAI 2014 - Argentinian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence - 45va JAIIO [pdf](http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar/bitstream/handle/10915/56981/Documento_completo.pdf-PDFA.pdf?sequence=1)
1. Bianchi B, Carrillo F, Fernández Slezak D, Kamienkowski JE, and Shalom DE (2014) "Human and computer estimations of Predictability of words on written language" Proceedings of ASAI 2014 - Argentinian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, [pdf](http://43jaiio.sadio.org.ar/proceedings/ASAI/13.pdf).
[LNUTDT]: https://www.utdt.edu/ver_contenido.php?id_contenido=10518&id_item_menu=20132#
[LNI]: http://neuro.org.ar/
[LIAA]: http://liaa.dc.uba.ar/
[GPH]: http://habla.dc.uba.ar
[DF]: http://www.df.uba.ar
[DC]: http://www.dc.uba.ar
[FCEyN]: http://www.exactas.uba.ar
[UBA]: http://www.uba.ar
[CUDAICA]: http://liaa.dc.uba.ar/node/10
[CONICET]: http://www.conicet.gov.ar/
[DialogTagging]: http://fabula3.exp.dc.uba.ar/
[CompletaPalabras]: http://cloze.liaa.dc.uba.ar/
[INCC]: http://users.df.uba.ar/juank/INCC/
[Kam2016dataset]: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1liAbJh_CFkQMOJSBqjL1eSw7Ml0eRwQGidn-qp_94jw/viewform